Our Services

Middle & High Schoolers
TRIO advisors and college mentors visit with participants at their middle or high school several times a month.
Our services for high school seniors focus primarily on applying for college and completing financial aid and scholarship applications.

We work with families to help them understand the value of college and how to prepare their children for college.

Virtual Programming
Virtual opportunities allow us to flexibly and consistently deliver services for students who can't attend our in-person activities.

The Career Horizons Summer Program
Career Horizons helps 6th-grade students broaden their college and career options, enhance their academic and STEM skills, increase awareness of their strengths, and develop positive peer relationships.

The Discover Technology Summer Program
Discover Technology helps 7th-grade students enhance their global awareness, increase their awareness of math, computer and science-related career opportunities and develop positive mentor relationships.

The YES Scholars Program
This scholarship program is a joint effort between our program and Kansas City Kansas Community College (KCKCC) for youth who demonstrate the potential for academic success and who want to prepare for post-secondary education.